Muscovy Duck

Muscovy Duck
Roosting on the gate

2011 - My second year of blogging in Brittany

I felt I would like to share some of the photographs I have taken so far this year and some from other years. I live in a beautiful part of Brittany and just love being here. It's a lovely place to photograph and enjoy being in through all the seasons and hopefully this blog will show you where I live my life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This morning's sunshine and yesterday's photos

This morning the sun is shining and the sky is blue.  I love the way the early morning light hits the trees and the roof of the tumble down barn belonging to my neighbour next to my field.

According to the weather forecast we have two days of good weather before the rain comes back again.  I'm off later to collect three laying hens and some fish for my pond to replace those that the heron removed last Autumn.

Last night when I was coming back from putting to bed the animals on the field, I had my camera in my pocket, so I switched it on and took a photo of the horse chestnut "candles" in my lane.  Unintentionally, the flash was on and I thought the effect was magical - sort of Japanese, if you know what I mean.

These skies and the dandelion seedhead were also in the lane this evening.

These flowers - rosemary, ajuga, and lithospernum (which I love as the blue is so intense)  are in my garden.

The aubretia - one for my purple collection - was clothing a wall in Laniscat on my way home from Bowls this afternoon.

And I had to include two bright yellow oil seed rape fields, also on my journey back, as you know I'm a sucker for them.

This morning I was trapped at home waiting for the ERDF man to come and change my electricity meter in the middle house as it seems to have stopped working and no numbers are visible on it.  I asked if they could change it for one that can be read from the outside of the house with a handheld computer thingy, but he didn't have the authorisation to do that.

Three things I like:

1.   Waking up to the sunshine coming through my bedroom window.
2.   No dead mice bodies on the sitting room floor this morning.
3.   Making stock from the chicken carcass, onions and parsley.


  1. It's all looking very colourful now isn't it? I have that same purple leafed bugle and it is beautiful in flower but a real nuisance for creeping through other plants! Sorry to hear about your ducks going missing :-(

  2. I found the second duck in the field. She hadn't been taken by the fox. She had been having a lot trouble walking and I think she must just have been poorly and died.

    I collected some fish for the pond at lunchtime, but we couldn't catch them all so I'll have to go back tomorrow. I also collected three laying hens this afternoon - nice looking ordinary brown and black hens. One of them got loose in the Discovery and spent the journey sitting on the top of the back seat!
