Muscovy Duck

Muscovy Duck
Roosting on the gate

2011 - My second year of blogging in Brittany

I felt I would like to share some of the photographs I have taken so far this year and some from other years. I live in a beautiful part of Brittany and just love being here. It's a lovely place to photograph and enjoy being in through all the seasons and hopefully this blog will show you where I live my life.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pills, Abandoned Property and Letting My Cottages

As I took my tablets yesterday morning, I realised what a wonderful thing my pill dispenser is.  I bought it from Lidl back in the summer and it's so useful.  It was designed to have a separate tray for each day, divided into four. 

I only take pills in the morning so don't need the four sections.  So this means when I get my prescription filled at the Pharmacy once a month, I can come straight home and put four weeks' worth of medication in the pill dispenser.  Before I bought it, I had to open four or five packets of pills every morning to get my daily dose, now I only have to fiddle like this once every twenty-eight days - brilliant.  The only problem is that when going into hospital all medication has to be presented on the ward complete with packaging.  I have overcome this by having "saved" a duplicate set of medication still in it's packaging, which I swop for newly acquired packets about every six months so that it does not go out of date.

My immediate neighbour, English, hasn't been back to his house since September two years ago.  The front of the house, where a shutter has fallen off it's hinges, would by now have been covered by brambles and weeds, but for the neighbours on the other side who, hating the untidyness of it all, strim the frontage fairly regularly.  The back of the house however, is not strimmed except for the driveway which enables me to park my Land Rover there.

You can no longer reach the house to deliver post or anything else.  Last year the electricity board arrived and borrowed my ladder to reach the point where they disconnect the electricity supply from the house.   The ridge tiles fell off the roof last year and could have killed anyone passing at the time.  Heavens knows what it's like inside now if the snow or rain have got in.

I am thinking seriously about letting out my gites/cottages next year for self-catering holidays.  I shan't charge exorbitant prices, it's not about that.  The idea is to make some money but also to share my lovely environment with others.   The inside photo is of part of the sitting room of the larger cottage.

Outside the middle cottage we have two horseshoes catching luck for the guests!

It's such a lovely peaceful location for walking, bird watching etc. and near enough to Lac de Guerledan with all it's watersports, beaches, bars and restaurants and large towns if that's what people want.   If anyone reading this is interested in further details then you are most welcome to contact me.

My Breton neighbour, Paulette has just called round for me to go walking with her and her husband, Christian.   They think is about seventeen degree centigrade out there today, it's so sunny and beautiful.  They are trying to get me fit!  It's 1.40pm and I need to change out of my pyjamas and drive to meet them at the beginning of the flat walk.

Well it was a brilliant walk - I'll write about it tomorrow.  Meanwhile a photo of a few of my birds taken on the way back home.

Three things I like:

1.   So much sunshine at this time of the year.
2.   Scuffing my feet through the fallen autumn leaves.
3.   Sitting in the poultry area watching the hens and ducks.

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