Dandelions are growing profusely everywhere and the rabbits get a good handful every morning and to encourage them into their house at night. The seedheads are lovely too.
This deadnettle is on my field entrance and the horse chestnut bud is in the lane.
The primroses and the muscari are in a neighbour's garden and the foggy view is of the field at the back of the same garden.
Pussywillow in the lane and Snowflake in a neighbour's garden.
From the end of my garden I can walk down into this wood - well I can now I've lost weight - I have been here for six years this month and this was the first time I have managed the sloping paths - and it was well worth it! When you're down in the woods there is no-one else there and nothing except birdsong and the sound of the stream and little waterfalls. It's as if you are the only person in the world.
I found a very intricate piece of wood which is now sitting on one of my windowsills. It has an amost perfect circle formed by a small branch. The picture should be 90 degrees to the right, but for some reason it won't upload that way.
The last photo is of a friend's neighbour about two miles away whose cat travels on his tractor with him. Because the cat kept slipping off the paintwork, he has attached a cardboard box for Caramel to sit safely inside.
Three things I like:
1. The incredible summer temperature weather we have been having recently.
2. Seeing the wisteria blossom starting to open - the colour is wonderful.
3. Collecting three blue eggs this week from my Cream Legbars.