It's so good to be home again - I can't tell you how good. I was in a Clinic in Rennes to be re-educated about eating balanced meals and taking proper exercise, in an effort to start a new healthy life which will hopefully result in me losing a lot of the excess weight I am currently carrying.
There were few opportunities at the Clinic for photography, but I did take a few photographs, just to keep my hand in. This is the park in the Clinic where we had to walk for a minimum of half an hour every day. Sometimes we walked there when we weren't forced to!
Lovely little white violets which started flowering while I was at the Clinic. There were purple ones too.
And then I found these pink ones - like the little sugar flowers you find on cupcakes - mmmmm - oops - nobody mention cakes please!
There was lots of lichen on the trees and a lot of big toothed leaves which had been swept up into a pile.
The second weekend we were allowed to go home. This weekend there was a very bad storm here in the west and north-west of France - over 50 people lost their lives - and many, many homes were flooded. As I drove back to the Clinic, out of the window of the car, I just took one photograph of the flooded field to my right. You'll notice too the trees in the distance full of mistletoe.
I'm now enjoying being home. It was a very heavy frost this morning, but the sun has been trying to peer through the clouds and has been quite a pleasant day here. I went shopping this morning and bought some blackcurrant bushes, perennials for the border, a cherry tree and a tarragon plant to add to my herb bed. Unfortunately, during the exercise at the Clinic I injured the Achilles tendon in my left ankle and have tendonitis so can't do much in the way of walking at the moment. I'll have to wait a while to put these plants in - it's so difficult to wait!
Just one more photograph. It is not one of mine, but taken by Paul Syson, who lives just outside Plouyé, who has kindly allowed me to post it in my blog. It is of a beautiful hare which I believe he took in or from his garden.
Isn't he lovely?