Wow - what a windy night! There was a roaring noise outside all the time as if a plane were overhead, but not going anywhere. Certainly the worst winds I have known while I've lived here.
This cartoon of wind in Brittany was on Facebook and I've stolen it for my blog.
In the morning two of the logshed door were off again, one was in the fishpond, and the large double gates to the garden had blown through the wrong way and were stuck on the driveway. I didn't have the strength to move them enough to close the garden off from the neighbour's dogs. On the field I was glad to see the polytunnel still standing and only a dog kennel, which I use as a hen house for new hens, had come apart and blown across the parking area. The rain which fell doesn't seem to have anywhere to soak into and is lying on the ground meaning that wellies are "de rigeur". This evening the temperature has plumetted to freezing according to the car display. As usual, I am lovely and warm in front of the woodburner.
This weather is all due to Tempête Joachim which has caused chaos all over the west and north of France, with 400,000 homes without power, and many trees have been felled. Brittany Ferries couldn't berth their ferry, Amorique, at St Malo and had to divert to Roscoff, not very convenient for people meeting them. This photo is from
Another ferry, the Pont Aven I think, had to take shelter on the north coast of Brittany delaying it's journey back to Portsmouth. A friend about 15 minutes drive away wrote on Facebook that the la snow had started with her, so it may just be a matter of time before it arrives in St André.
A tanker has gone aground on the plage d'Erdeven in the Morbihan and their is an oil slick coming from the vessel. This photos is from
My worker will be here tomorrow morning to sort out the garden gates and the logshed and hopefully there won't be any further damage tonight. Certainly the wind is much weaker than last night, when it was hard to sleep with all the creaking and banging going on.
The tempest came about as cold, dry Arctic air from the north came against warm, humid Tropical air from the south, some way off the west coast of Ireland. Yesterday afternoon I had an email from my house insurers to warn me to put away garden furniture and large flower containers.
While I was talking to one friend in England another came on Skype to see if I was ok with the awful weather - it's good to know that people think about me! 500,000 people lost power, including Sally and Richard who were here on Monday. They were reconnected this afternoon.
Three things I like:
1. Knowing I have enough logs to last me for the next few years.
2. Finding no irretrievable damage after the storm.
3. Collecting three eggs from my girls, in spite of the bad weather.